Rush Pitches & Tones
Welcome, potential Pitchlings!
We’re so excited that you’re interested in acapella and we can’t wait to meet you this spring.
Pitches & Tones is one of the newest members of the Yale Singing Group Council (SGC), an umbrella organization that represents 17 undergraduate a cappella groups. The SGC organizes rush, along with other events throughout the year. More information about rush and a cappella at Yale can be found at the SGC’s rush website.
On this page, you will find information about the rush process specific to Pitches and Tones, audition information, an FAQ section and contact details for your rush managers.
Don’t hesitate to shoot us any questions you may have – we’re always happy to talk to you!
Pitch <3,
Rush Managers 2023-24
A Breakdown of Rush Events
Questions? Click here for our FAQ section, and go to the Yale Singing Group Council’s website for more details on the rush process and rush rules for the year 2023-24!
Still have questions about rush? Contact any of the rush managers!